
Environmental local data acquisition, visualization and remote transmission system


Zetastation allows the integrated control and local configuration of a water quality monitoring station, the measurement data and alarms local storage, the local alphanumeric and graphical data presentation and the remote data and alarms transmission to the Web Cloud, to be stored, validated, visualized and further processed.


Zetastation is composed by an industrial Panel PC, equipped with 549 wide type LCD color touch screen 19” display, connected through a RS-485 bus with an analog and digital I/O control system mounted on the backwall.

Main HW characteristics follow:

  • Celeron J1900 processor, 1.9 GHz low power
  • IP65 front panel and 19” LCD color touch screen
  • 4 Gb RAM
  • 240 Gb Solid state HD
  • 5 RS-232 serial ports
  • 8 RS-232 additional serial ports using two external Ethernet to RS-232 converters
  • 4 USB slots for read/write of removable storage devices
  • 2 Ethernet LAN port
  • Windows 10 Pro user license
  • DC/DC 12 Vdc
  • the standard analog and digital I/O control system composed by:8 analog inputs, n.8 digital input “single ended”, n.8 relays digital outputs (expandable)
  • GSM device by Ethernet, with text message and 4G/5G data transmission capability.


The above HW configuration can be optionally expanded according to the specific application.

The system allows to extensively control the following water quality measurement instrumentation:

  • by RS-232/485/USB/Ethernet: multiparametric water quality sondes, current meters, Micromac online analyzers
  • by digital I/O or RS-232 serial ports: automatic water sampler
  • by 4-20 mA analog inputs: online water analyzers or other sensors equipped with analog outputs.

In order to keep the system working even in case of short lack of the main power supply, it is suggested to power the system through rechargeable batteries and a 220 Vac battery charger; the 24 Vdc power supply allows the system to be used with unattended power supply systems too.

Zetastation is designed to periodically send the acquired data and alarms by LAN or through Internet using a modem router towards a Web server for data and alarms storage, validation, visualization and further processing.

Zetastation allows the remote connections to Micromac online analyzers, in order to perform diagnostic check on their operations in case of reported issues or malfunctioning.


Main software functionalities

Zetastation management SW is based on a high-level graphical interface under Microsoft Windows 10 ® Operating System with the following main functionalities:

  • detection of status change of local alarms (i.e. door open, lack of main power supply, missing water sample, …);
  • data local storage of instrumental data, averaged by predefined time interval or directly provided by the specific analyzer/sensor, alarm and events;
  • identification and storage of threshold overlaps of water quality;
  • programming and management of predefined sequences of water sampling and data collection from the instrumentation and local data storage in records including date, time and a status word to be later used for data validation;
  • local video alphanumerical and graphic data presentation, with graphical evidence of threshold data overlap or generated alarms;
  • data and alarms text messages delivery to predefined mobile phones and reception of specific text messages to be used for remote system diagnostics and operativity;
  • local system parameters extensive configuration
  • multilingual capability.

Here follows examples of available Zetastation windows:

Main window showing the last collected data and alarms

Graphic data report with configurable selection functionality

Alphanumeric data report with configurable selection functionality

Configurable plant’s graphic synoptic